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Little Sissabagama News

September 3, 2024.  What beautiful weather to start the end of summer. Our fall meeting featured a rep from Mosaic Technologies presenting their plan for fiber optic delivery in the next couple of years. The necessary forms are with the officers, please ask them if you do not have a copy. Please make sure your guests know the rules regarding UTV/ATV trail use to keep your neighbors happy and to prevent unnecessary tickets from local law enforcement. There have been a lot of trail changes lately, so a word to the wise about safe and lawful trail use.


August 29, 2024.  Water level on the lake has dropped considerably since the early summer when we had heavy rain after heavy rain. The rest of the summer has been relatively dry, moderate heat which has create quite a bit of evaporation. Additionally, we have discovered that the lip on the culvert that was created to increase our water level has been broken off or rusted off. It is hard to tell but as people drop boats in that area off the road, it is plausible it was damaged accidentally or on purpose. This week has seen an influx of bad storms that we have avoided most of the summer. Power was out for 24 hours on the 26/27th as evening and early morning storms blew through the area leaving a trail of moderate destruction. Forecast is for another wave of severe weather late in the day Aug 29. Fingers crossed!


July 17, 2024.  We lost Dick Fleming on June 25th. He passed away peacefully at home according to the family. Dick was one of the OG and was tireless in his pursuit of making Little Siss the best lake it could be. This lake probably would look a lot different today if not for Dick's relentless pursuit of quality over quantity. He will be greatly missed. In other news, it has been a very wet summer in the area and we are in the first days of a dry spell we need. A new water sport ordinance was recently passed by Edgewater township so we have a uniform code across both townships for the lake, which means it can be enforced. Milfoil is a persistent worry as both Stone and Big Siss have had it recently. Big Siss is on its second bout of mitigation in less than a year.


June 4, 2024.  Greetings to summer! After a very dry winter and spring, summer has arrived with some much needed precipitation. The association has updated Stewardship Guidelines and they can be accessed without a password. Eurasian Milfoil is getting closer and we are in the early stages of preparing for that eventuality. There are two sets of loons on the lake, hopefully at least one will have a family here. The osprey have returned as well. Of course eagles are present. Over the winter and spring we successfully stopped over-development on the south end of the lake and are nearly set for a uniform water ski ordinance on the entire lake.


November 13, 2023.  A lot has occurred since our September post. A successful CranberryFest in October. Great color this fall. We are experiencing some nice above average temps after some rather cool weather with a little rain and snow. On a somber note, the community lost Steve Friendshuh (developer) and Doug Dunlap (resident). Both have a long history in Stone Lake and on Little Siss and we offer condolences to the families. As we get ever closer to Thanksgiving, we are reminded about how precious our time together is.


September 7, 2023.  Heat and storms was August, although our little slice of heaven managed to escape the worst of the heat that areas like the Twin Cities experienced. After a rather warm Labor Day weekend, the temps have dropped 20+ degrees and we feel a bit more like October than September! Temps that are a none too subtle reminder of what lies ahead in just a few short months. You will find this site updated with Spring 2023 minutes, a new contact list and new officers noted. Thanks to outgoing prez Jean Accola for a wonderful term!


August 17, 2023.  More storms and high winds have caused some downed trees and power outages in the area the past couple of weeks but we've collected several inches of rain in some real gulley washers. Most of the rain has come from single storms, not day long gentle rains which means a lot of erosion on the dirt roads and in any areas prone to washouts. Warm weather and Canadian smoke returns this week into next. The loon chicks are growing and have made it this far so hopefully they can avoid the preying eagles until they leave this fall.


July 24, 2023.  We have had some much needed rain late in July after being without much precipitation since May. Smoke from persistent and large Canadian wildfires have given us some spectacular sunsets but made the days pretty hazy and often smelling like a campfire. We have also been very fortunate that we haven't had much in the way of bad thunderstorms this summer. Looking forward to another very warm week ahead and August will soon be upon us.


May 30, 2023.  A good turnout for the association meeting with an update on some of the lake studies that were done over the past year. To no one's surprise, the tireless efforts of the shoreowners over the years have led to the lake having a high quality index as well as many plant species that are rare or good sentinels of problems that could occur. We are in need of a VP nominee so please let the officers know if you are interested in association governance.


May 17, 2023.  We had an impressive quick snow melt for as much as we had. Of course that leads too high water levels and lots and lots of annoying gnats and mosquitoes. But spring has provided us loons, osprey and quite a number of Orioles this year. Bears have made a quick appearance as well and there have been numerous sitings in the area.


March 28, 2023.  It's been one heck of a long winter. Snow accumulation for Hayward was just shy of the 94+ inch record. But if you ask anyone around the lake, yeah, we broke that. Still considerable ice on the lakes even though not all of it is "good" ice. Temps have been below normal and nighttimes are still pretty cold so it will take some serious warmth in April to get us melting. Unfortunately, the April 1 forecast is snow following some rain, so we aren't out of the woods yet. Here's to ice out!


Oct 3, 2022.  The 2022 Stone Lake CranberryFest was held this past Saturday. In spite of numerous reports of beautiful weather, Mother Nature gave his rain until about noon and then cloudy with moderate temps. Not great but not a washout or freezing. Colors have really accelerated since Friday so get out and see the beauty! This week starts out warm but temps will fall at the end of the week. Prepping for the winter has begun.


Sept 3, 2022.  This is the date for the annual fall meeting which will be held at the Stone Lake fire hall at 9 a.m. In order to vote on matters that arise, you will need to be current with your dues. Annual dues are collected at this meeting. Contact an officer if you have any questions.


May 28, 2022.  This is the date for the annual spring meeting which will be held at the Stone Lake fire hall at 9 a.m. In order to vote on matters that arise, you will need to be current with your dues. Contact an officer if you have any questions.


May 26, 2022.  Announcing the return of the July 3rd picnic and boat parade. Gather at 10:30 am in front of the Isle of Pines big boat house and join the fun. The picnic will be at 12:30 pm on the Isle of Pines, bring your chairs, a main course (brats, etc) to cook on the grill and a side dish to share. Water and dinnerware will be provided.


April 22, 2022.  Several lake residents wetn to the Sawyer County Zoning Committee meeting this morning in opposition to the rezone request of the former Flink property on the south end of the lake. I am happy to report the Zoning Committee was unable to pass the request and forward it on to the Sawyer County Board. This doesn't mean that the property can not or will not be developed, it just means no small 100 foot lots in a critical wetland area at this time by this developer. Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work on this issue, an issue we have been dealing with since February. Thanks to everyoine who wrote a letter in opposition to the rezone. This is a huge win for our lake.  UPDATE: This matter went to the County Board who remanded it back to the Zoning Committee for another vote on June 17, 2022. If this passes it will go back tot eh Board for their July session. 


January 26, 2022. Happy New Year! It's been a cold and quiet winter so far. We could use some more snow for the snowmobile trails but all in all not bad. There will be some new owners this year on the lake and sadly we had a developer purchase several lots on the south end of the lake. The last thing we need are several more cabins in that small bay. There has been more ice fishing on the lake that seen in recent years which is good to see. Stay warm.


December 10, 2021. It is with sad heart we announce the passing of another long time Little Siss resident. Ray Krolak has left his earthly confines but remains with us in spirit.


October 27, 2021. We all marvel at the fall colors and know that as the winter closes in, change is inevitable. It is with heavy heart that we acknowledge the passing of matriarch Joan Fleming on October 21. The Fleming family have been on the lake for decades and we wish them peace and love at this time.


October 5, 2021. CranberryFest went off without a hitch under cloudy but relatively warm skies. The crowds were decent in spite of fewer vendors. But fewer vendors made for easier social distancing if you were so inclined. Lake levels are lower than they have been all year. Rain has tended to come in big batches with long dry periods in between. Let's hope we get a little more rain before the lakes freeze up. The loon chick has survived the summer and, with some sadness, we look forward to its departure to warmer climes. Some property on the south end of the lake sold and, sadly, will get developed. That will put a lot of pressure on the small south bay and the traffic zones. One other lake cabin sold and another is for sale on the Isle of Pines.


August 10, 2021. The new and improved Big Island dock is in! Many thanks to Endres Manufacturing Company for this generous donation and Gene Button, along with son Mike and son-in-law Ryan, for installation. The area has seen a lot of rain recently pretty much ending any drought that we had. Water temps have cooled off a bit and levels remain up. Please remember to pay attention to slow-no wake areas. The baby has survived its most sensitive days and is growing big. We've all seen the parents teaching it to fish, swim and dive, and fly. We have been entertained by the young one's antics while at play. What a wonderful gift we have been given.


July 8, 2021. We had a nice turnout with 11 boats for the July 4th boat parade! Of great interest was the sighting of a baby loon tucked in tight to mom on the parade route. Let's hope it survives all the challenges it will face. Warm weather gave way to a cool week and some additional rain. Water levels have moderated but there are still some shoreline trees that are sensitive to wakes, so please watch your wake in the slow/no wake 


June 1, 2021. A great turnout for the spring association meeting. Thanks to the Landmark Conservancy for the island checkup and tour. Please join their membership ranks to support their efforts on the lake and around the state to protect sensitive lands. A sad reminder about water safety with the recent drowning of two visitors. Always have your life jackets on hand. The water level is high so please watch your wake in sensitive areas to prevent shore erosion and to protect wildlife. Sand Lake township has been called to deal with the beaver problem near the culvert. Enjoy the summer!


April 13, 2021. Ice out early this year over Easter weekend in late March with some of the bays having ice a few days longer. The warm weather ahead of Easter has now turned more seasonal with temps in the 40s and low 50s.


March 8, 2021. After a couple more decent snows, the weather is warming and the snow is receding. This week will see temps near 60 and rain. The rain should really accelerate the meting process but temps back closer to normal later in the week will keep us with decent lake ice for a while yet. Don't get too excited! Day time temps are expected to be back in the upper 30s and still well below freezing at night. And we all know that potential snow is lurking during MN state hockey tournament time.


January 2021. We are sad to hear of past association president Jim Kissinger's passing. Jim was a vital part of the lake community for many years. I think I can safely say that many initiatives would have never gotten off the ground without his support and tireless efforts. He will be greatly missed.


January 2021. Let's all be thankful that 2020 is gone! Ice depth is about 10 inches on Big Siss so we can assume that is pretty close for Little Siss as well. Many of the larger lakes in the area are not staked nor safe for ATVs or snowmobile traffic. Ice can vary greatly and Lac Courte Oreilles saw several sleds go through the ice this New Year weekend. A dead eagle was found near Bolder Lodge and the DNR suspects lead poisoning. Let's get rid of those old lead sinkers and jigs! A large black wolf was sighted last week near Pine Ridge on Big Siss. No idea if it is passing though or part of an existing pack in the area. Sawyer County snowmobile trails were in fair condition, we need more snow for sure.


September 2020. Well, that was quick. The weather went from summer to October in the course of a day. Temps will rebound but it is a stark reminder of what lies ahead. Lake levels are down a bit, but to be expected at this time of the year.  The number of rental properties has grown on the lake prompting concerns about boat traffic, slow/no wake zones, etc. We will be addressing those issues in the future. No loon babies were seen this year but we had a few pairs of loons on the lake most of the season. The fall meeting will be held virtually.


June 2020. Warmer weather has returned but with it has come a lot of wind. Social distancing gatherings have been a hit on the lake by pulling pontoons in vicinity of each other and enjoying conversations and music. Of course the wind can make the gatherings a little more problematic, but we make do. The fire alerts have subsided a bit but we ask that all fires be carefully attended to due to the winds we have had. It doesn't take much for a spark to get away and create havoc. We have 2 sets of nesting loons but have yet to see any babies, perhaps due to the eagles that have been around a lot. As the July 4th holiday approaches and we expect more people on the lake, please don't forget to adhere to the slow/no wake zones. A No Wake sign has been added near Boulder Lodge as a reminder that the entire bay is a slow/no wake zone. You can find the map outlining those area on this site.


May 2020. Well the virus pandemic has certainly changed life in Stone Lake and the surrounding area. Restaurants and bars that have been shuttered for weeks are now opening. Some have more social distancing efforts than others so choose wisely. We have some new property owners on Boxing Camp Trail, welcome! Lake water is still high with many docks in or under water. The culvert is flowing but that doesn't mean we may still not have a beaver issue again. But generally speaking, water levels are high everywhere so it is difficult to tell. With that said, please be aware of the water levels and practice safe boating including slow/no wake in the bays. You can also follow the goings on at the lake in more real time on Facebook.


February 2020. Snowmobile trail conditions have improved a little but thin ice, slush and high water still plague some areas. Staying on the marked trails on any lake is highly recommended. Overall lake conditions are good to ski, snowshoe or walk on if you can avoid some of the slushy areas. Snowmobiling on Little Siss is not recommended but it can be done at your own risk. The Birkie is in a couple of weeks! If we can avoid high temps and get a little more snow the Birkie trail should be great.


December 2019. As the year winds down, we have seen a lot of snow already. Nearly 3 feet of snow on the ground and the coldest weather in some time has descended upon the northland. Ice was in the 5-6 inch range before the snow accumulated so we'll see how quickly we can get some decent ice for snowmobiling.






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